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Writer's pictureAlan Deriard

How To Get Selected at Football Trials - PRO Tips from a Football Agent

Football agent Alan Deriard explaining reasons for rejection and selection during trials

Ever been on the field, your heart racing as you play not only for the game but for your future?

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Alan Deriard. I am a full-time football agent and I own Australia’s number one player agency, Elite Football. I’ve helped players get selected at football trials and hundreds of players with representation and I’m currently working with over 25 professional football clubs across Europe, UAE, and South America. In this blog, we’ll go through everything you need to know to maximize your chances at a trials event.

My Experience with Football Trials

What do I know about football trials? Last month alone, I hosted five trial events for both male and female players. Nine male players were selected to go overseas and be fully sponsored to trial with one of our professional clubs. Additionally, two female players also received full sponsorships to go overseas.

Group of football players receiving instructions during an Elite Football trial from Alan Deriard and Maurice Deriard

Over the past five years, I’ve co-hosted over 20 other trial events both in Australia and internationally. Through these events, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with players and also behind the scenes with coaches, professional clubs, agents, and scouts. I’ve gained substantial knowledge on what goes into a player being selected over another.

The Elite Football Trial Program

To give you an idea of how we do selection, here’s our process:

Day One: Technique

  • The focus is on players' technique to filter through the masses.

  • The team will eliminate 50% of the players after day one.

  • First impressions are crucial; you don’t want to be in the pile of players who are no longer considered.

Day Two: Competitive Level

  • Attention shifts to the competitive level of each player.

  • Coaches start paying closer attention to specific names, ages, and positions.

  • Most coaches will have their top five or three players by the end of day two.

Day Three: Final Selection

  • This day is about confirming choices and rounding down the top three or five players to pick one.

  • Coaches compare their choices to finalize their selection.

Key Points to Focus On

While better players are generally selected over worse ones, there are other factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you stand out:


  • Charisma can open doors like magic. Be happy, kind, and genuine.

  • Players with confidence (not arrogance) and a smile on their face are remembered.

  • Engaging with the team appropriately and boosting the egos of coaches can be beneficial.


  • A proper handshake with eye contact and a firm grip can make a significant impression.

  • Avoid appearing disinterested or arrogant.

  • Coaches and scouts remember polite players positively.


  • Show respect to both staff and other players.

  • Avoid talking when someone is speaking and follow instructions without hesitation.

  • Respecting others demonstrates maturity and professionalism.

Personal Anecdotes

I’ve witnessed instances where players' behavior impacted their selection. For example, a talented player once gave disinterested handshakes to the entire team, which was perceived as arrogance, leading to his exclusion. Another time, a player nutmegged a coach, which was seen as disrespectful and resulted in immediate removal from the event.

At trials, performance is paramount, but other factors can give you an edge. Focus on being the best player you can be and consider these additional points to improve your chances. Remember, these events are about showcasing your skills and character. Stay positive, be respectful, and let your performance speak for itself.

Ready to get selected at football trials?

Book a FREE consultation now and learn how to adapt to new football environments. Contact us today!


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