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Writer's pictureAlan Deriard

My Story: How I Became a Football Agent

Alan Deriard holding a football, ready to share his story of becoming a football agent.

Hi there! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Alan Deriard. I am a full-time football agent and the co-founder of Australia's number one player agency, Elite Football.

At the time of this, we have helped hundreds of players with representation, player development, and sending them overseas with our roster of over 25 professional football clubs signed across Europe, UAE, and South America.

Flashback to the Beginning

But let's flash back eight years ago and start right at the beginning with a 17-year-old version of me. I was playing NPL at Gold Coast Knights at the time and I wanted more. I felt the pathway in Australia wasn't clear.

Alan Deriard  in action on the field, representing the passion and dedication needed to pursue a football career.

It never felt like I was going to break through to a first team or get noticed by anyone. I wanted to pursue my football dreams, just like many of you probably reading. However, I had no contacts, no guidance, and no idea what I was doing.

The Initial Struggle

My dad had started Elite Football, which was known as Elite Football Academy back then. It was really just training sessions at the time. While Maurice (my dad) had been in the football game for over 20 years, many of his contacts, coaches, and ex-agents were no longer involved in professional clubs.

So, we had an academy but no substantial connections. Long story short, I booked my ticket to Spain with this academy and stayed for a few months. To say we were scammed is an understatement. The whole experience was something I strive to ensure none of my players ever have to endure.

The Scam Experience

At 17, with dreams and ambitions, it was easy for people to exploit those dreams. We were training eight hours a day on dirt pitches in parks with no proper facilities. I could spend all day recounting miserable memories: fights on trains, showering in cold water with no privacy, and severe bullying from an adult running the academy. It was treated like a military camp and was quite traumatic.

Football military camp

Looking back now at 25, it’s bizarre to me how things were handled. Going overseas to chase your football dreams is hard enough without such additional stress. The first three nights, I cried myself to sleep, feeling isolated and overwhelmed.

Realising the Scam

Eventually, I realised the scam. The academy didn’t have the connections they claimed. I lost a lot of money and returned to Australia feeling like a failure. The next year was the hardest for me. Many players who go overseas and are unsuccessful feel the same. I sympathise with them now, understanding the challenges and the feelings of defeat.

Trying Again

After a year, at 18, I decided to try again. I didn’t want to live with regret. With support from my parents, I returned to Spain. This time, I built a relationship with someone from a first division club. I spent months jumping between different clubs and leagues, from first division to third division, trying to find a fit.

Alan Deriard standing in front of the Valencia C.F. logo, highlighting his journey and connections in the football industry.

Ultimately, I realised that the level I was at required more effort and time than I was willing to invest. I knew Australia offered a comfortable life with many opportunities outside of football.

Returning Home

At around 19 or 20, I decided to call it quits and returned to Australia. I didn’t want other players to go through what I went through. There was a lack of proper support for "amateur" players, and too many people were selling false dreams. I spoke to my dad about improving the system and providing authentic support for players.

Building Elite Football

Over the past five years, we’ve built relationships with over 25 professional clubs. We make regular trips to these clubs, ensuring they offer genuine opportunities for our players.

Elite Football Logo

We’ve established ourselves as a trusted company that clubs don’t want to lose, which gives us the power to support our players effectively.

Our Mission

Today, everything I do is for my 17-year-old self and for players who want to go pro. I am the person I wish I had when I was pursuing my football dreams.

At Elite Football, we’re dedicated to providing better relationships, better clubs, and better opportunities for our players every day.

That’s the story of Elite Football so far. We've conducted events, provided representation, and sent hundreds of players overseas.

At the core, we’re people who had bad experiences in the football world and didn’t want others to go through the same. We're constantly working on improving our services and opportunities for our players.

Interested in becoming a football agent or need expert guidance?

Book a free consultation with Elite Football to learn more about the journey and how to succeed in the football industry.


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